* The Concussion Repair Program
(value $997)
This system has taken me years to develop and breaks concussion recovery down into 6 core pillars for optimal results.
Introduction To The Concussion Repair Program
- Six necessary pillars for a successful recovery
- Concussion recovery support & community ground rules
- Brain Injury Basics: Background, simplified definitions, and common misconceptions
- 360 degree look at the proven “BOLD” recovery quadrant system
Module One - MINDSET
- Attitudes & Allies: Psychological success triggers
- Foundational Concussion Recovery Exercises
- Discover Your Why: One of the biggest determining factors of recovery
- Enroll Your Environment: Recruiting your support team
- Defining Fears: Awareness of barriers we can plan for
- The Invisible Illness Explainer Video: Helping family & friends understand your injury
- Defining Fears: Awareness of barriers we can plan for
Module Two - NUTRITION
- Standard American Diet vs the new Recovery Acceleration Diet (RAD)
- Introduction to Brain Foods: Anti-inflammatory, cognitive enhancing, neurorestorative & neuroprotective
- Top 10 easily consumable RAD (Recovery Acceleration Diet) foods
- Water: A key to your recovery
- The importance of the right kind of water
- The Big 10 supplements targeting accelerated recovery
Module Three - MOVEMENT
- The Brain Recovery Movement Wheel
- How to implement active, passive, adaptive, and restorative exercise to your recovery regimen
- Balancing your Vestibular System and why this is so important
- Restorative Movement Explorations: Proper use of floatation therapy, fasting, Tai chi, Qigong, visualizations, craniosacral therapy, and so much more.
Module Four - OXYGEN
- The key role of oxygen in your recovery and healing
- Simplified breathing techniques to break the stress cycle
- Nose Breathing: The what, why, and how
- Why VO2 Max is important to your recovery and how to easily measure
- Breathwork breakdown: box breathing, Wim Hof, holotropic, biodynamic, and more.
- Maximizing brain regeneration by following these proven sleep patterns
- Sleep hygiene strategies to do every night before bed
- Two types of sleepers: Which are you and how to best fit this into your schedule
- The #1 cause of stress and chronic disease worldwide
- Emotionally self-regulating exercises and habits
- Using top stress minimizing exercises: Hydrotherapy, neurofeedback, biofeedback, floating and more.
- The #1 strategy for reducing stress weekly
- Primary therapies that mimic life: light, oxygen, nutrition and electromagnetic
- Recovery enhancing light therapies, plus how and when to use them
- The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of electromagnetics
- Endogenous vs. exogenous sound therapies
- Mapping out your personal and social rhythms
You Also Get...
* The Concussion Repair Workbook
Exercises & Checklists For Optimal Recovery
(value $197)
The Concussion Repair Workbook breaks down these effective recovery protocols into simple bite-size actions and exercises.
This way you don’t get bogged down with the details of what to do next.

The Concussion Repair Workbook is a complete 70+ page resource helping you everything you need for a speedy recovery.
* Plus, These Special Bonuses...
Bonus #1: “Invisible Illness Explainer Video” For Friends & Family (value $29)
One of the most frustrating parts of the concussion recovery process is not getting the support you need from your friends, family, and loved ones. It’s not that they don’t care. They just don’t know how to support you.
Unless they’ve had a traumatic brain injury and experienced similar symptoms, it’s hard for them to grasp what’s really happening to you and how you feel. Even if they have had an injury, it’s hard because no two concussions are exactly alike.
The Invisible Illness explainer video was created out of pressing need to help the friends and family members of concussion victims understand the injury… what you might be going through… and most importantly, the best way they can support you in your recovery.
Bonus #2: *Symptoms & Recovery Tracker (value $47)
An important key to optimizing your recovery is being able to properly track your symptoms. Now, you’ll finally have an easy understanding of everything that’s happening.
We’ve seen a dramatic difference in recovery from those who track their symptoms and recovery versus those who don’t. And since everyone’s injury and recovery process is different, this allows us to see what recovery methods are most effective for you so we can discard the others.
We’ll show you exactly what to track in all different areas of your life. This is so much more than “Do you have a headache? Check yes or no.”
Why The Concussion Repair Program Is So Effective
We don’t put a strict timeline on your recovery with The Concussion Repair Program because every brain injury is unique.
Instead, we give you a customizable roadmap for your injury… and stack ALL the odds in your favor to restore and optimize your brain function.
This system wasn’t just slapped together. It’s been years in the making. I spent decades going deep down rabbit holes researching and trying every possible concussion recovery method that was out there.
I tried and recorded my experiences (both good and bad) with all different types of medical disciplines, naturopathic medicine, chiropractic medicine, eastern medicine, as well as allopathic western medicine.
I put these different systems and protocols into my book—The Concussion Repair Manual— which has helped thousands of people already. But I wanted to take things even further… because clients needed more.
They needed a step by step, guided implementation program that they could follow simply from their own home. Which is why The Concussion Repair Program was born.
- Important Disclaimer -
Brain injuries aren’t a quick fix. It’s not like scraping your knee on the ground.
You can’t just clean the cut, put some Neosporin on it, and be magically healed in a few days.
Some people are back to normal within days. It can take others months. But having the proper recovery protocol for you, will dramatically speed up the process.
It’s important to remember:
#1. This is NOT a substitute for a direct evaluation from a neurologist or emergency care physician.
If you have a significant head injury, you should definitely get it assessed in person by a medical professional.
#2. This is NOT your doctor's orders.
I am a medical doctor, but I'm not your doctor. Even though this protocol includes strategy and support, we don't have the kind of relationship that allows me to personally treat you as a patient.
#3. This is NOT a one-size-fits-all approach to brain recovery.
Every brain is different. Everybody's injury is different. This means your healing strategy may be quite different than someone else’s.
The Concussion Repair Program gives you everything you need to create your own customized roadmap.
Will The Concussion Repair Program Work For You?
If everyone's healing path is different, how can you know The Concussion Repair Program will work for you?
Firstly, every strategy in The Concussion Repair Program has been tested, reviewed, and proven to be an effective treatment for concussion recovery.
Secondly, these methods have already worked (and continue to work) with thousands of people worldwide.
Thirdly, you’re getting everything to speed up your recovery and reduce the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome.
- You won't waste time on things that aren’t proven to work.
- You won't waste money experimenting on expensive and unnecessary recovery methods.
- You won't have to worry that you’re doing something that might make your symptoms worse.
- You won't ever have to guess if you’re doing things right.